Coaching and Training

Our decades of experience help navigate product scaling complexities, understand consumer trends, and comply with various food safety regulators. With OFI support, you can make informed decisions, avoid common pitfalls, and achieve long-term success in the competitive food industry.

Industry specific expertise, personalized guidance, and mentorship.

The Organic Food Incubator offers tailored levels of help depending on client needs and business stage of development. We can help you get out of the blocks fast by working on your schedule process or recipe and help refine your process to bring greater efficiencies.

Initial Phone Call- A free consultation to get acquainted with each other and see if we are a good fit for each other. We will point out obvious pitfalls and ask some questions that often save time, effort and money.

Online Courses- OFI offers classes in all aspects of how to get from idea to store shelf quickly, safely and without costly avoidable mistakes. The instructional videos use simple language and answer most frequently asked questions. The greatest value is the answers to questions that the viewer doesn’t know to ask.

Personal Coaching- One on one sessions where more extensive and complex questions are addressed. Our experiences, good and not so good, have taught many lessons that do not need to be relearned by our clients. Our decades of experience in the food industry will bring peace of mind and a graceful product launch.

Recipe Development- Our chef’s delight in helping you create and refine your recipe to be delicious, food safe and shelf ready. The OFI management team collectively has over 100 years of culinary and restaurant experience. We approach recipe development from a real food angle rather than the laboratory. Our team works with ideas, concepts and sample recipes to create your vision of your product. Our goal is to produce your idea in a bottle.

Sourcing and Logistics- The Quartermaster wins the war. We can help at every stage to ensure that your inputs (Ingredients, containers, labels, etc.) arrive in a timely manner ensuring that your sales commitments are met without costly and embarrassing delays. Our resource planning tools will help smooth the path forward.