Our Blog

We are happy to share the most relevant information, experience and resources relating to the food and beverage manufacturing industry that established and aspiring businesses can use to thrive. Our blog has relevant, readable content distilled from the experiences of our culinary experts and product developers.

4 Benefits Of Having An Organic Food Certified Product You just got your new product finished, you got your Schedule Process, and now you’re ready to get your product to mainstream markets and supermarkets. But then you’re wondering if you should get your product organic food certified or not. But let me tell you this first, not all products need an organic food certification. You have to use your best judgment.

Business Tip: Collect data and Sometimes, Pretend You Are Bigger Than You Are Just like meeting a person for the first time, businesses often make judgments on first impressions. Here’s a business tip that you might want to consider- pretend you’re bigger than you are. Potential vendors, co-manufacturers, distributors and retailers may be hesitant to take a chance and make a commitment to a very small start-up. I am not suggesting that you lie or make up data.

For many shelf stable products, acidity is a very important aspect of development, as it can help ensure shelf life stability. During the process Low pH and heat act together as the protection to prevent pathogenic bacteria, yeast and mold growth. In small batch food manufacturing, pH is a critical factor enabling your product to be shelf-stable. The pH scale is a 14-point reference scale from 0 to 14, where 0 is the most acidic and 14 is the most alkaline.

Water activity can be used as a CCP (critical control point) for food production. Water activity is a measure of the amount of water available for microbial growth and chemical reactions in a food product. It is represented on a scale from 0 to 1, with 0 being completely dry and 1 being pure water. Water activity is a critical factor in determining the microbial stability and safety of food products for several reasons:

What Is A Scheduled Process? Revised 5/1/2024 You just came up with a brand new product. Now, you want to get it distributed and produced on a large scale to send out to stores. Before you can do that, you want to ensure that it is safely produced and in most cases, that it is shelf stable. The main document that proves this for you is called a scheduled process.